Stuck like Chuck

Stuck Like Chuck is a low budget romantic comedy about friendship, love, college and the awkward situations that bring them all together. It was written, directed, edited and produced by student filmmaker Jerry Cavallaro for about 2,500. It stars Joe Moran, Jocelyn DeBoer and Patrick McColley. Lloyd Kaufman makes a cameo appearance.

The film opens with a conversation about independent movies, which leads directly to the films title. We then see Charlie and Rob in their film201 classroom where Charlie fantasizes about Juliet, the girl who sits across from him. Juliet, played by Jocelyn DeBoer, seems to be a mixture of Charlie and Rob. She shares Charlies main interests of horror movies and Kevin Smith, while being outgoing and a bit more vulgar like Rob. She also harbors feelings for Charlie, which is obvious the first time they interact on screen. Unfortunately, Charlie cant take a hint or several dozen hints and Rob develops a plan to get the two of them together. The next time Charlie helps Juliet in the editing bay, Rob convinces their bumbling Professor to end class early locking Charlie and Juliet in the classroom. Stuck spending the night together, Charlie and Juliet finally open up to each other. The film develops through a series of witty conversations and is filled with sharp dialogue, obscure movie references and indie film clichs.The film was made during the directors winter break and production continued after he started his Spring term. The movie was filmed almost entirely in two locations the directors school and his grandmas house, which doubled as a dorm. He edited the film while still in school and actually finished the entire movie before the term ended. The film was made for a little under 4,000, all of which came from the directors pocket. ........

Source: Wikipedia